Easy Living Trailer for HBO®

A shoot teaser for a brand new original series ‘Easy Living’ (aka. Aranyélet) by HBO Hungary for the European market. (English Version)

The story is about a family that seems idyllic from outside, but the parents commit crimes for their living. While the father wants to quit the illegal lifestyle, the children are getting more & more involved in crime.

Rules for this Teaser were the following: No actors names, no faces (because of a later press release).

Every shot is done exclusively for this Teaser. No program footage is used.

HBO Europe
Director / Creative Producer / Editor / Sound Design / Concept: Peter Varsics

Director of Photography: Dániel Szöke

2nd Unit Director / DOP: Balázs Lóth
Production Manager: Péter Fülöp
Unit Production Manager: Dániel Molnár
Production Designer: István Tímár
Set Design: Szabolcs Szladki
1st Assistant Director: Réka Kovács
Focus Puller: Attila Kovács
Camera Assistant: Gellén Sándor
B Camera Operator: Tamás Köváry
Gaffer: Kristóf Pethö
Lightning Technician: Péter Pethö
Dolly Grip: Gergely Pethö
Make-up Effects / Hair: Barbara Kund
SFX: Barnabás Princz
Costumes: Diana Oehler
Styling: Emese Pirityi

Production: Mark & Merit Film

Post-Production (HBO)
Sound Mixing / Sound Design: Alex Hunyadi
Graphics Producer / Graphics Design: Gergely Regula
Graphics Assistant: Tamás Gulyik

Grading Post-Production: Várfoki Zoltán (Studiolamb)
Colorist: Eszter Nagy

Stand Ins: Zoltán Köváry, Renáta Boros, Lili Trajtler
Casting by: Karakter Casting


Camera used: Arri Amira & Sony FS7

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